Originally posted by crow_daw
Well, an update on that. He fucking broke up with her, and she cried for about two solid days. She'll still trying to get over it. God dammit. Also, her best friend went out with one of my best friends for a year, and he broke up with her recently too. So they're consoling each other, but I think its actually just making them both worse. I dunno what I'm trying to say exactly, it's just sad. They're fifteen man. It's stupid.
Oh brother. That's rough on a girl that age. That's rough on anyone. Be sure not to give her the "I told you so" story obviously.
You could just simply ask her if there's anything you can do to help her feel better. Just simple. If she says no then let her know she can come ask you for it later if she thinks of something. Then leave her be. I bet she'll come round to ya later. Even if to joke about how the guy was a jerk or to ask you for advice. Let her know you're there for her. Maybe even take her and her friend out for a "Date" for icecream or something simple. Make them feel special to someone and let them know you care without lots of nosiness.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.