IMHO- Go with your conscious, I say. Even though you like him, would you really want to damage the relationship with him and his gf?
The best thing to do is to let it go. Respect him, even if he feels like you're not interested, just don't get involved unless he comes to you, uncommited in a relationship.
It could get nasty if you got in the middle. If he returns to you, it may be meant to be. If not, it was not meant to be.
Question is why do you like him? I mean, no offense, that's a question for you to ask yourself. You don't know him very well. and why rush into anything? Especially in this particular situation.
Just think- if you rush, and with him having a gf, someone is bound to get hurt or mislead- if you wait, who know. There will innevidably be a lot less pain and disappointment if you do wait.