Hmm, i thought i responded to this, guess not.
Anyway, His speech didn't seem as "Wooden, i'm reading off cue cards and umm, i can't read half the time..." as normal. However, it did seem overly rehearsed.
That being said, i think he made a couple mistakes or statements that could probably come back to haunt him. Mainly, the "if we need more troops, i will send them" kinda scary with people already predicting a draft to be instituted in 2005 if bush is re-elected. The "Given the recent increase in violence, we will maintain our troop level at the current 138,000 as long as necessary" That's quite a large number of troops that may be stationed there for quite a long time while we move on to other 'targets'
". There's likely to be more violence before the transfer of sovereignty and after the transfer of sovereignty" umm, begs the question, at which point is the violence supposed to end? it seems to me that our "influence' on the new government will be seen as just our way of having an occupation while their own people run it.
Of course, blaming the torture of prisoners on a few misguided soldiers...yeah,that will haunt him if it comes out that any upper level military authorized it...
"Over the decades of Saddam's rule, Iraq's infrastructure was allowed to crumble while money was diverted to palaces and to war and to weapons programs."...pretty sure this wasn't the wisest thing to say since nothing has turned up and people are still a bit sore about there not being huge stockpiles of weapons everywhere.
Also, he really didn't say that much of consequence. As roachboy said, it seems like he wasn't trying to argue their case, but to kinda shore up the people who support him to stop the massive downturn in his approval rating.
Also, i read somewhere last night that this 'war on terror' is expected to last 25 to 30 yrs?? can anyone confirm or deny that? I can't remember where i read it right now and i can't look it up at the moment.