Truth is a Lie, perception of truth is reality.
If there is anything worth dying for, it is God-
Jihad is a great example of this in action.
If there is anything worth fighting for, it is love-
True love is passive, Fighting is violent, the opposite of love.
If there is anything worth striving for, it is peace-
Very much in line with my opinion.
I think , therefor I am-
My computer cannot "think" for itself, yet it "is".
There is nothing more inmortant to one's happiness than friends-
True happiness comes from within, and requires no outside influence.
People who claim to have all the answers don't/ those who claim to have none, have tons-
Generally accurate, with notable exceptions.(Albert Einstien, Steven Hawking.......etc)
We must all survive-
None of us, in this form, will survive. This belief is a setup for automatic failure.
You asked for input, and there you have it.
My perceptions:
Your ability to learn life lessons, will define who you become.
Who you become, defines the meaning of life
What you expect from life, defines your dissapointment.
Your level of dissapointment, defines your internal happiness.
What you expect from others, defines your relationships.
Your relationships, define many of your life lessons.
You create your expectation.
You are in charge of your own fulfillment.
Life is Hard.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha