This may surprise you filterton but i haven't set foot in a church in probably 15 years, so i couldn't in good conscience lay claim to some "messaih."
To keep it simple: A traditional marriage (i.e- nuclear family) is a religious institution with social benefits, and as such the government has a vested interest in encouraging. Race, differeng faiths, etc. plado not affect this stability.
It boils down to - I believe that a one Mom and one dad is in general the healthiest environment for a child to grow up in. Now before you point to 50% of all marriages ending in divorce etc etc, I think the reason for this is because marriage means next to nothing to people anymore. Marriage is "just a word" and a vow is "just a sentence." You've fallen in love in the last three days? - run to Vegas. You're arguing over who's gonna do the dishes? - fuck your neighbors wife and leave your current one. I don't think the divorce rate is a good rationalization for writing the insitution off.
Off topic, humurous little story - Overheard some overspoken jackass at a bar ask a gay bartender out of the blue "What do you think of gay marriage?" He must have been drunk and just looking for an argument or to piss someone off (but of all poeple the guy who's serving your drinks).
So much to his surprise the bartender says "Oh my god, I'm totally against it!!"
"HUH???!!, How come?"
"Cause that would just make me an old maid"