Originally posted by ARTelevision
I actually don't comprehend this need humans have to institutionalize and politicalize the personal.
I actually agree with you 100%, and could not have said it better.
In my opinion the government has learned there's money to be made in politicizing and institutionalizing the personal.
And religions have learned the easiest way to control the masses and do what the religious leaders bid is to inspire fear, retribution and guilt by saying what you do now affects your afterlife and your eternity, instead of just your here and now.
When one of the religious tenets or canons are then challenged the religion has to strike out and inspire more fear, and use political control to keep the flocks in line. For if they don't and lose that particular tenet or canon or whatever you'd like to call it, they lose a certain amount of control over the people's lives, and fear vanishes even more.
While, not always a bad thing that religion uses this technique, it does hinder progress and it does at times send civilization back into a warlike conciousness.