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Old 05-24-2004, 06:13 PM   #5 (permalink)
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In my opinion, the use of mild drugs are not detrimental to society. Wheras the more "mind altering" substances can lead to violence, and degradation of societal norms.
There need to be limits imposed by the ruling body, when dealing with a whole population, and the many differences it entails. To be honest, I think Alcohol is more in need of legal boundaries then marijuana, as it induces far more violence than many Illegal drugs.
As for the would require much research, and moral understanding to create a system that would work. I firmly believe the primary reason most drugs are illegal, is an inability of Government to change the ethical guidelines , considered Taboo by the religious lobby.
Take a good look at ritalin, and then tell me the Government is Anti-Drug, they are only anti poor people drugs.Many of the Perscrirtion drugs we have availible, actually mimic the effects of the illegal counterparts.
Ok...end of rant.

In short.....Drugs will be used, that is reality.
Some drugs kill, or in other ways destroy life.
Some drugs do not.

There are Deadly Legal Drugs.
There are virtually harmless illegal drugs.
This makes little sense to me.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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