Originally posted by tecoyah
In your reaction however, you simply decided to throw completely unrelated issues into what was a relatively benign opinion.
I have found this somewhat common in your "debate" techniques, and thus generally refrain from reply to the bait. In fact I don't really know why I am writting this, as it is likely to add fuel to a fire that should have never even started. But here you go......
Against Rape?
don't treat women as sexual objects (unless you are invited)
Against Theft?
Dont Steal
No brainers here....in my opinion. But these issues are in the realm of public safety, and common good.
If you wish to debate the differences between, Gay Marriage/Abortion/ and Gun ownership. And Rape /and Theft, I will be happy to in a seperate thread, rather than hijack this one, which has potential.
Hrm? You post a couple of oversimplified polemics, I reply with the same, and now *I* am the bad guy who ruined Christmas for everyone?
Your clarifications use a different scope than your original statement. Let's compare:
"Against gay marriage? Don't marry someone who is gay."
"Against rape? Don't treat women as sexual objects (unless invited)."
Leaving aside a personal problem I have with your equating treating woman as sexual objects with rape, what you're saying isn't the same.
The people who are against gay marriage are against it for themselves AND for others. The people who are against abortion are against it for themselves AND for others. My point, in bringing rape into the equation, was to show the fallacy in your argument. I am, of course, against rape, not just rape committed by me but also by others.
So, my point was to show the fallacy of your off-the-cuff remarks about Gun Ownership, and Abortion as some sort of moral compass for gay marriage. All topics which you introduced to the thread, not me.
If there is a pattern to my comments, it is that I don't like weak arguments. We both agree on the core point, that gay marriage should be legal.
Geesh, I make one little comment and I'm suddenly the Grinch.