Originally posted by Dostoevsky
I started lifting weights when I was 16 years old in highschool. I was 6'7", 170 lbs, and could only bench 115. I've lifted weights regularly since then.
I'm now 23 years old. I'm 6'9", 240 lbs and I can bench 350lbs. Alot of the increase is probably due to the physical maturity that comes to men with age but alot of it is just hard work and persistence. I'm working out for NBA teams now and one of the ways they measure your strength is my repping 185 lbs as many times as you can. I can do 185 lbs 26 times most days.
The moral here is to stay in the weight room day after day, month after month, year after year. Make it part of your life. You will become stronger and stronger and really feel good about it.
The biggest benchmarks for me have been 135, 225, and 315. It always feels good to be able to add an extra 45 lb plate to the bar.
don't you happen to have any NBA gym workout programs ?