Originally posted by StormBerlin
I know logically that making Gay Marriage illegal is discrimination and the government shouldn't be involved with what is going on in my bedroom, but I just can't seem to shake the feeling that I don't think Gay people should be allowed to get married. And the funny thing is, I am not a religious person. I don't think this because God said it was wrong, blah blah blah... I just don't think that is the way things are supposed to be. But I am all for a Civil Union. I think the difference is, with Marriage, then people would be allowed the legality of adopting children. Maybe that's my issue? And I still fully believe in the Slippery Sloap argument (even though some of you are saying is a logical fallacy because it doesn't help your argument),so I think it's that as well.
so, let me see if i have this right... the only reasons you're against gay people from getting married is because it doesn't feel right and because, who knows, it could lead to polygamy and beastiality.
and you're trying to say that saying slippery slope is a logical fallicy doesn't help the pro-gay marriage argument? pot... meet kettle...
/sorry if that came off sounding assholish... not my intent.