punkmusicfan21 although I dont like your name (just teasing) I am with you 100%,
and to Peetster I am NOT a horny sex machine as you so elegently put it, I have had sex in the past but I am not going to do so again until I am married. It's been around 2 years since I have had sex and I have had lots of oportunities to do so, does this sound like a horny sex machine to you?
I feel that people these days are having sex at way to young an age, and 2 years may not be that big of a deal right? well that all depends, if you are 15 and the person is 17 that is a big deal, im not certain but isnt that like grade 9 vs. grade 11? or grade 10 vs. grade 12? anyways when you are young like that and in school even 1 school year apart can make a huge difference in maturity and personality. plus this guy does sound like a jerk, and as much as young people like to deny the effects of peer pressure they are Tremendous factors in their life. If he (an older boy, seems cool and grown up just because he is a senior, or almost one) says something to her and keeps pressuring her you know for a fact she is almost guaranteed to crack and give in.
now what i sujest is that you try and talk to her, brother to sister, very open talk. You guys are going to be with eachother for the rest of your lives and should be able to talk about anything at all, try and start that with her now. Just talk to her calmly and try to get her to see things from an older more mature point of view. (you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink, i can show you a door but only you can walk through it, blah blah yada yada)
And I am very sorry if this is hard to understand, its a little after 3 am here and i need to be going to bed. I hope this helps you and goodnight