This is to prevent "legislating from the bench" -- activist Judges essentially re-writing laws as they see fit. The judicial branch does not represent the will of the people and is not accountable to them in any way. This legislation, as well as attempts to break up the Ninth Circuit, is the legislative branch's way of trying to fix the system.
I find it hard to comprehend the reasoning behind this. Why would we second guess the very people we have placed into the position to make such important descisions in the first place. Mind you, some of the upcoming changes to the constitution may indeed need to be reviewed, but still.
Huh? We did what? When did you vote for any of the Supreme Court justices?
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
Last edited by seretogis; 05-23-2004 at 01:09 PM..