Originally posted by Amethyst
[B] I hate picking things my husband and I give each other a list of three places to eat and then we get to choose one of them. So, this is going to be hard for me. I'm looking at two books right now.
Relax about it. It's only one book. Lately, at the book store, I've been asking the clerks to tell me what to read. Just pick a book for me, I don't care what it is, it's only a book. No one is gonna slap you silly if you pick a bad one, and we'll be happy campers if you pick a good one.
Originally posted by Amethyst
How long should we give everyone to read the book?
Name the book. Then start a new thread when you're done or almost close to done. I'd probably guess about 2 weeks but some folks read faster than others.
Originally posted by Amethyst
How do we know who goes after me?
Why don't you name your successor
Originally posted by Amethyst
What do you like to read?
anything. I used to think I didn't like buigraphies, til Mary, Called Magdalene was suggested for me. I've changed my mind about them
Originally posted by Amethyst
Where is a chat we could use to talk? or should we just use the tfp fourum?
Probably start with the forums until everyone is done, then if y'all want -- meet up in chat.