Originally posted by Eviltree
I got this game 2 days ago. I just got to Carralies Corsades in the town. The game seems really cool, but I don't have a clue whats going on. How exactly do you level up? I still don't understand, there is a bar above my character portrait in the menu, and there is a level number, neither of which I know how to up. Does the character speed increase as you level up, or is there a run toggle, because I'm walking everwhere, and it takes forever. Other than that, it looks like a pretty cool game, if a bit complicated. Anyone have any tips for me? Im still level 1, and have restarted 3 times.
Yes, eventually you get much faster and much more powerful. By level 40 (which won't take as long as you think it would), you'll practically be a god.
Pressing caps lock or holding shift makes you run, but your fatigue bar goes down when you do this. You can keep running with an empty fatigue bar (at first I thought you couldn't and never ran for more than 30 seconds or so at a time, slowed me down a lot). The fatigue bar determines your effectiveness in combat, basically.
To level up, you have to increase 10 of your skills and then rest. When you've increased 10 skills, you'll get a message saying "You need to rest and meditate on what you've learned." To increase a skill, you simply have to use it -- ie: jumping a lot increases acrobatics, using a longsword will increase your longsword ability, using magic will increase certain magic skills, etc.
As far as walking everywhere, there is a faster way, besides running, althought it costs a little gold. At every major town, there is usually an "instant" way of travel to another town -- silt strider ports (the really big bugs), teleportation in towns with a mage guild, and boats in coastal towns. Knowing how to use these will make travelling from place to place a LOT faster and more efficient (no getting lost from using the sign posts, which are not very good indicators of where things really are).
For more information that will help you out, go to this link:
They have a guide on just about everything the starting morrowind player could ask for.