Originally posted by Redjake
all he was saying is that there are more rednecks in the south that will fucking kill you because you have long hair or something stupid. I'm not ashamed to admit it....we have rednecks here who still are blatant racists and carry shotguns in their vehicles in the back glass of their trucks. while we don't have to worry about thievery, drug dealers (for the most part), gangs, or drive-bys......we have to worry about psycho-fucks like the one in my story. just from what I've heard, it's easier to get to "gun point" in the south than anywhere else. simply because of redneck-ism, uneducation, and ignorance. it's sickening sometimes.
Oh, believe me, I know about rednecks. I too live in NC, and my whole family is from SC--I have seen and dealt with my share of rednecks. And yeah, they do tend to be a little... lets just say ignorant. But I dont think that the south is any more dangerous than anywhere else, especially to the point of needing to carry a weapon when you cross the Mason-Dixon line. Thats just goddamn absurd.