Originally posted by Hwed
Not a misleading headline at all, is it?
I guess "Military reacts to small-arms fire at 2:45 AM near Syrian border" just doesn't push papers.
I swear to God, we're going to lose this war because of the media and the democrats politicizing the whole thing for an election-year power grab. It's disgusting, and to treat our troops this way, while they're still in harm's way, is downright reckless.
The media needs a swift boot in the ass, and the democrats need to remember that "Our differences end at the nation's borders."
Yep, if we lose this war, it will be because of the democrats and the media.
It won't have anything to do with the republicans at all, even though a republican president started it and a republican administration has repeatedly shown itself to have a completely innaccurate image of reality when it comes to anything middle east. I think somebody else needs to remember who got us in to this mess in the first place.