It seems from the description of the incident that you all may be placing a frightening importance on a concealed firearm to get you out of trouble.
"Get a fucking concealed permit. This guy, I believe, would have tried to fucking KILL us if my Dad didn't pull up. I looked in his eyes...he looked fucking insane. When I graduate college, I am going to train to get my concealed weapon permit and I WILL carry a gun at all times. "
The secret to staying out of jail as a legal permit holder is to be easy-going and not sweating the small stuff. I carry a firearm everyday of my life, and I go out of my way to be nice and forgiving. People always piss me off to no end, but I will do absolutely nothing that could foreseeably result in me ending the life of another person, unless there is no choice.
I've seen dead people, and they don't look pretty. I'd have a serious problem with unnecessarily transforming a living person into a nonliving body.
All I'm saying is that next time you should just chill out, especially if you are carrying a firearm. Otherwise, you'd be giving your fellow firearm-owners a bad name, and I would enjoy seeing you on Court TV.