The funny thing is that the parts of Leviticus commonly cited as "evidence" that being gay is wrong also condemn:
- the wearing of wool and linen at the same time
- require a father to kill a son who curses him
- require a couple to be killed if they have sex during the woman's menstruation
- require a woman to sacrifice two doves after every menstruation period
Obviously, people are being a little choosy when they just pick the homosexuality part and leave out the rest.
But, like the rest of that section, considering homosexuals somehow a lesser people is an old-fashioned idea. Mixed racial marriages were once against the law and "against nature." In fact, you can read some statements from the 50's on that and they read exactly like the arguments today against same-sex marriages.
People being born today will look back on this time period in the same way we look back on the 50's. They will think "what kind of backward people thought that same-sex marriage was wrong?"