Originally posted by jb2000
Legalize pot and you will win the biggest victory in the war on drugs yet. Pot is the biggest gateway to 'hard' drugs. Why? Because it is illegal and unregulated, so they can put all kinds of crap in it. Pot absorbs as majority of drug enforcement costs and efforts. Legalize it, and you can regulate it, stop it from being a gateway, and turn those resources over to battling those 'hard' drugs that more folks agree are actually in need of being stopped.
I agree with you legalize pot and the majority of the costs go away, and there will be no growers in federal prison.
The gateway argument has never flied with me.
The real gateway drug is alcohol, I am sure we all had a drink before we smoked pot. Having done every substance imaginable. I can't believe (and never have) the stories of laced pot. Who would waist marketable drugs that can be sold for much moor money by spraying some pot leaves. There is no logical reason. You can't think of it as a loss-leader (get them hooked for free, make money later), because the idea of lacing pot means they don't know what their doing or how to get it.