Depends on when you asked me... for probably 5 years I just knew that I was going to be a neurosurgeon, that was what I WANTED to do, and then I started reading, and civil engineering became my passion, so I actually went to school for that.
I -hated- my classes, and I know why, they dumped us directly into the engineering part of it before teaching us the mechanics of it............... that and they took away time from me being with Jaid (notice I dropped out and was married by the end of the semester).
Right now, I'm looking at going back to school after my youngest daughter gets into school (not sure yet whether I mean preschool, kindergarten or first, but definitely by the time she's in second grade).
My mind may change about what I want to do, but for the moment, I'm looking at a double major in math and spanish and then being a highschool teacher after I get my education cert.