Why does it take two blondes to make chocolate chip cookies.
One to mix the batter and the one to squeeze the gerbil.
One day a yellow frog wanted to be like no other frog in the world. So he went to the Good Witch and said. "Turn me into a diffrent color so I will be driffrent from all the other frogs in the world." The Good Witch agreed and turned the frog green, all execpt for his penis. The frog asked the Good Witch why she didn't change his penis colors and she replied "Oh, I don't do that, you'll have to go see the wizard." And so the Frog hops off. A little while later a pink elephant walks up to the Good Witch and says "Change me into a diffrent color than all the other elephants in the world." Again the Witch did as asked and turned elephant grey, all except for his penis. The elphant asked why his penis remained pink and the Witch responeded "I don't deal with those, you'll have to see the wizard to get your penis turned grey." The elphant replied "But I don't know how to get to the Wizard." To which the Witch replied "Follow the yellow dick toad."