Fat or sugar. Pick one and avoid it like the plague. Simply avoiding everything with fat (fried food, cheese, stuff that shines) or everything with sugar (candies, baked goods) is the simplest and easiest way to start eating less calories. Pick one and stay away from it.
Having a no-meat meal isn't going to help if you have sour cream and cheese on it. Hell, french fries are vegetables. No-meat is a great way of starting off though. You might also want to consider low-fat meats. Turkey breast, chicken breast, tuna, shrimp, and crab is a great way to start.
Start eating 5 times a day rather than 3. Make all your meals smaller though so you're eating the same amount of food.
Make sure you're drinking a lot of water. 10 glasses/day if you can. While you're at it, cut out any drink with sugar in it.
Finally, exercise like a mofo. The fact that you're doing a mile a day is great. To burn lots of calories though, you'll have to start covering a lot more than 7 miles/week. That's going to require some training. I'd recommend the following training.
M:Long run/cardio. Hard upper body weight-assisted workout.
T:Short run/cardio. Hard lower body/trunk/abs weight-assisted workout.
W:Long run/cardio. Hard upper body weight-assisted workout.
Th:Short run/cardio. Hard lower body/trunk weight-assisted workout.
F:Sprint work. Hard upper body weight-assisted workout.
S:Medium run/cardio. Light lower body/trunk weight-assisted workout.
When it comes to cardio recognize that your goal is to burn calories, nothing else. That means that you can swim/run/bike whatever. It also means that while speed is good for you, it won't make you lose weight any faster. 3 miles burns pretty much the same amount of calories whether they're run at a 6:30 pace or a 8:30 pace.
Start incorporating exercise into every part of your life that you can. Take the stairs everytime. Park as far away from the entrance as you can.
Buy a pedometer. Wear it normally for a few days then see if you can't increase your steps by 10% or so.
My mouth is a word factory.