Originally posted by Apokx
WoW looks promising,but until more than a select few can play it..there's no way to tell.I certainly wouldnt call it "the best mmorpg" ever...because frankly..that's said about every game when it comes out.
WoW certainly could break the mold,unlike the other shitty mmorpgs..like shadowbane,ffxi,daoc,and lineage II.(Ive played them all,and none of them can hold a candle to Everquest.)
I am curious though,if it handles like EverQuest..or if its a point+click and your character runs to that location.
Being able to move your guy with your mouse(looking around,strafe running etc)makes games much more enjoyable.
The controls are identical to Everquest, but the third-person viewpoint isn't annoying like in EQ. You can go first-person or third person...and I can say that third-person just feels better. But no worries, I shit you not when I say that the controls are identical to EQ (concerning controlling the character).