Just a question, does morrowind run really slow for everyone else?
Here are my specs:
AMD XP1700+ (1.47ghz)
Geforce FX5900
512meg DDR RAM (not sure of the speed)
Windows XP Pro
40gig hard drive
700meg virtual memory
DX 9.0b
latest Nvidia drivers (56.72 I think)
I tried all the tweak guides and I still get about 15-20FPS in most areas. In fact, as far as I can see there has been NO increase in FPS whatsoever. I can run at 1280x960 with 4xFSAA and 4x aniso and pixel shaders on and I get the same FPS as 800x600 with everything disabled.
Because of this, I believe it is my CPU, however I am told it runs fine on a P4 1.5...
Any suggestions?
flux (n.)
Medicine. The discharge of large quantities of fluid material from the body, especially the discharge of watery feces from the intestines.