Originally posted by Lasereth
It's not ridiculous...it's the truth. Windows XP requires a CPU about as fast as a horse-drawn carriage. After a certain speed, anything after is 100% overkill. If a 900 MHz PC is slow in Windows XP, the user has bogged it down with spyware and adware. The same goes for an Athlon 64 FX-53. I know some people that could get it running like a 386 after a few hours. It all depends on who's using the computer. If someone doesn't install useless shit (screensavers, toolbars, etc.) and runs Ad-Aware and Spybot once a week, I guarantee a 400 MHz PC will run XP as fast as an Athlon XP. I can guarantee this because I have the K6-2 beside me right now, and there's simply no difference in speed within Windows XP.
When my dad's PC came home from the store, I was there because I helped him pick it out, it took about 30 seconds longer than my PC just to bot up, everything loads slower, and his cpu is a 2.4 Celeron. There is no fucking way in hell that a 900MHz cpu will run XP like my XP3200+.. Period. This isn't even worth discussing.
You're trying to say that a system just over the minimum requirements will run as fast as a system that is overkill...... Are you even listening to yourself? I'll stack my PC up next to yours and I'll bet my life on the fact that everything runs twice as fast.