Yay I live in central FL and it was all over my news (including local6, which is my station here)! In the interview, the kid says, "i just started hittin' it" lol
He gets the "gee, that's a good idea" award!
Originally posted by Nisses
I didn't know an alligator was that nimble that it could bite down on a little kid's head, AND wrap his tail around his stomach?
Yup, especially from the angle the gator got him... and it's not really "wrapped AROUND" the stomach, it just curls over it to keep him still.
Originally posted by sprocket
Dunno, but I've always read its best to go for the nose of most animals if you have too. Bears dont like being hit square in the nose.
Supposed to be effective in shark attacks too, that is if you can get off a strong enough punch underwater.
As has been said, nose\eyes are fairly accessible points on most animals, especially when being bitten, and it's pretty much unilaterally effective on some level to hit them there. Can you think of a worst place to be punched... above the belt?
EDIT: Just thought I'd mention he said he got 6 staples in his head to close up the wound. Also, the gator didn't attack him straight out, the boy had jumped in the lake and was swimming when he was attacked. People around here usually have more respect for the presence of gators in bodies of water.