Originally posted by kutulu
[B]The game is very demanding on the PC. They recommend a 500 MHz PII, 128MB RAM, and a 32MB Vid card. I would like to see how it actually runs on that system because I have an AMD 2600, 1 GB RAM, and a 9600 AIW Pro and I still get bad framerates at times. I do usually leave several things running in windows while playing like mIRC, Kazaa, IE, etc., but that shouldn't change it that much (I think).
I (tried) playing it with the minimum specs. I is practically unplayable- you get .5 frames/second at times, average at about 1-2 fps. Loading new areas takes 5 minutes, and you need the fog so close you can't appreciate the game at all. I loved the game once I got my new computer though.