Originally posted by Phaenx
You're under the impression that violent aggressors are reasonable. This doesn't seem to be true.
No, I think violent aggressors are unreasonable. My definitions of who is the "violent aggressor" might differ from yours in some cases.
The best practice of subjugation in my opinion is overwhelming force and time. It has seemed to work out well with Japan, though in all fairness they did start producing electric penis shock and "hey, watch this chick poop into this other chicks mouth" porn after we gave them their country back.
Heh. You could argue that we successfully instilled democracy in Japan, I'll give you that. Japan is a lot different country than Iraq, and WWII is a lot different than Iraq. Violent subjugation doesn't seem to be working particularly well for Israel. Overall, looking at Cambodia, the Soviet Union, China, and others, I'd say the strategy has mixed success.
But anyway, I think we're straying off-topic.
I think the search of Chalabi's house was a terrible PR move in light of all the other problems the USA currently has in Iraq.