Originally posted by KWSN
I can't say anything but WAY TO GO, BILL! Incredibly true.
Also, I am a little offended about the title of the article, the way it is stated makes it seem like a bad thing. No doubt there will be outrage over this from idiotic people who only read titles. Just watch, within two days there will be Bill Cosby backlash.
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. They turned Cosby's courageous and positive statements into a negative and inflammatory statement, simply to appeal to the narrow ideological views of their readers.
The point of Cosby's statements was that it is time for the young African-American community to get rid of the defeatist attitude that has been plaguing it for years and begin to continue the path that was set by the civil rights leaders who came before them. His message is a postive one and one that I would like to hear more from some younger leaders in the black community