As has been mentioned, SATA only gets 1 drive per channel. So they are all, in effect, Masters.
Personally, i am in the thought of partitioning and separating files. I usually put ~10GB for windows. This allows windows its room, and plenty of room for whatever programs NEED to be on the same drive. Then i give myself several GB's for swap file, virutal memory, what have you. Dont put anything on that drive, and you will never hafta worry about windows getting PMS on you when it gets low on space. Then spilt the remaining into 2 drives or so. This way it makes backing up files and blowing out windows soooo much easier. I also like to keep things on each drive real organized, so i tend to use several partiotions, 1 for games, 1 for apps/programs, one for downloads and so on.
Boot off of your old drive, and use windows computer managment to partition and format makes things real easy. Plus, you can do a full format to a 200gig SATA, in ~10 seconds. Its so much faster you dont hafta waste a bunch of time with your formatting.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.