Who you are will change as you grow older. The chief word there being "grow". As we live we evolve and change. Our values shift, our desires and expectations get altered. I don't know that there is a definative answer to your question. You'll make decisions today that seem just right and years from now you will regret them. You'll also make some that are just dead on perfect. The best advice I can give is try to be true to who you think you are now and prepare for the many changes your future will hold. For instance, you can live a creative somewhat bohemian life but socking away some cash and having a decent income is a nice cushion for all the things life throws at you. You say you don't love your job. Maybe you could look for something you have a passion for and start working toward that goal. Maybe the search for that passion will help you discover who you are now. From your posts you seem like a bright, creative, likable person. I'm sure you'll do great. Good luck.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.