I used to be 110% trusting of the male friends, but my last two relationships have made me more than just a little uneasy about it.
The first serious relationship I was in, I found out later that the girl's two closest male friends were just waiting for their chance, and eventually one got it (within days of us breaking up).
With my second relationship, a guy that she worked with (and was friends with) started putting the moves on her, and she's now with him.
In both of these situations, I trusted the girl, and occasionally trusted the guys (but not always), but I was proven wrong. Even if they WERE just friends while we were together, the guys obviously had another agenda.
Originally posted by The Original King
I'm a jealous piece of shit.
And, oh yeah, I'm a jealous motherfucker. I know it's something I should work on (and I am), but that doesn't change the fact that I am a very jealous guy.