I went through a period of questioning that. What actually kindof helped me at least choose a general direction was taking about 2 years off from college and just working one job after another. Basically trying out different carreers. I ended up working 3 different jobs at once for a while there. Imagine working 3 part time jobs in one day.
Finally I came upon one job that I really enjoyed and could see myself doing for much of my life. Or at least something similar.
Partly it was chance and partly it was just sitting back and letting come what may as far as work, just to see what I wanted to stick with.
Then when it comes to lifestyle - I've only recently begun to be content where I'm at and say basically that I will do what fits me at my point in life. If we have success then that's great. If we just work day to day we can choose to be happy with that. I don't think agonizing over gaining success is really profitable. Yet I believe we should still strive to do out best and if success comes with that then so be it.
Contentment is a state of mind, not a place in life.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.