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Old 05-19-2004, 09:01 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally posted by dylanmarsh
*sniff*sniff* what's that smell? ohhhh, it's the trading deadline. Pedro-Schilling-Johnson, ahhhhh, the beauty of greed.
lol, there's no way we'd trade him. Even more important, I highly doubt that at his age, RJ would be willing to part with his family in such a way. He's a 10/5 player to he has automatic trade veto rights. He's also the DBacks first shot at having one of their own in the HOF. Although there's no doubt that he's a first ballot no-brainer HOF player, there's still the question of whether they'd put him in there as a Mariner or a DBack. His accomplishments in AZ are way beyond what he did in Seattle, but he did spend more time there.

It was such an amazing game. I listened to the first 7 on the radio and finally got to see the last 2 while waiting for my to-go order to be ready. After the 6th, I was thinking it and after the 8th I knew it was going to happen. The Braves fans showed their class by rallying behind it and chanting his name after it was over.

For what it's worth, I'd like to give a big "FUCK YOU" to all the "experts" at espn and all the other sports news guys who said RJ was done.

This was just what my team needs. They've been back and forth between amazing pitching, fielding, and hitting to looking like little leaguers who fuck up routine plays, blow saves, struggle to hit, and have total meltdowns. Richie will be back soon, Fossum just joined the rotation, and Shea is finally hitting again (maybe we can trade him to Atl or Ana).
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