My boyfriend and I had some problems with that issue a couple of months ago. I know alot about computers and where to find stuff that other people have been, its not JUST the history, but i can find it in the internet files and i know exactly where he has been and what he has looked at. Well, there was one time where I didnt trust him on the net...b/cause he would always talk to girls and everything, so one day i was like "hmm..i'm gonna check this out"...well i did...and he had been looking at naked girls. I was pissed off....but I talked to him about it, and he knows that i dont like him looking at stuff like that, so ever since then he hasnt looked or opened up any pictures of any girls except me ;o)
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
yahoo: jediz_angel14