well this last april fools i emailed my parents telling them this big long spiel about how i got in a car wreck on a left turn... and rolled my car and it was all totalled... it was really really great... my mom called my dad and he was tellin his friends and then she called me and i tried to lead her on but started laughing...
mom: why are you laughing?
mom: stop joking really tell me if your ok
me: no mom im serious its april fools...
mom: oh... oh jeez i have to call your father...
it was so great... really freaked them out...
then i messaged one of my friends asking him to be my best man... told him that ariekitten was pregnant and we had to get married... he was all serious and called me and i told him it was a joke and we talked for a while... it was good...
~Clatto Verata Nicto