Given the rather large number of false alarms regarding chems, I would wait a week or so for more conclusive tests. Naturally, it would not surprise me to any number of results.
We do know that Saddam possessed chemical weapons more than a decade ago, and perhaps as recently as 1998. We also know he had 'basic' delivery systems; aircraft bombs and artillery shells. These are basically empty cannisters designed to be filled with chemicals, which are burst open upon hitting their target.
Chemicals don't store well. Without an active production program, your stocks rapidly become inert. However, the shells and bombs are metal...they are easily stored indefinitely.
Fast forward to 2004. Enter gangs of terrorists looking for materials for improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Enter the empty artillery shell. Complete with detonator, all the terrorist must do is stuff its hold with his explosives and he has a great IED. Now if this shell had once been filled with gas, there may be traces remaining, at least enough to trip highly developed US chemical sniffers. The terrorists may have been completely unaware of the chemical traces (not that it would have bothered them).
Just one of many possibilities, but to draw any conclusions yet is premature.
"Don't tell me we're so blind we cannot see that this is my land! I can't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
And this is your land, you can't close your eyes to this hypocracy.
Yes this is my land, I won't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
'Cause this is our land, we can't close our eyes to the things we don't wanna see."