Originally posted by KellyC
as Bender would say.."You can see her circuits and everything!"
'tis a good day for perverted robots 
oh yeah...some kick ass comp you got there buddy.

Funny you say that, my name's Bender.
Specs (that I know of)
NVIDEA Ge Force (exact model not known) 256MB video card
AMD athlon XP 2400+
220 Gig HD space
PNY PC 2700 512 MB RAM
CD Burning ROM 52x + standard CD ROM
Windows XP and Office XP
I Posted pics because I bought it off of a friend of mine. Funny thing is, I helped him build it, and I don't even know all the specifics, so the computer guys are helping me out with pricing info

He's only had it a month, and is now selling it to me for a good (I think) price because he needs the $$$$.