If us liberals worked as hard and put as much energy into the issues and putting out a true platform the people would buy, as we do arguing over Limbaugh's facts and trying to prove him wrong we'd have Congress and the WH.
laff my ass off - that was priceless
i'm an imus guy.- as you could prolly figure - he has insight and lets his take on politics run amok - right or wrong - he'll admit he doesn't have a clue and feels he doesn't have to apologize to anyone... bo dietl's vocabulary is priceless - the one who really runs his show is chuck...
don't really get into rush all that much but he can throw out some genuine gems at times along with his constant embellishment of the facts as a whole...
chris mathews has a very interesting take on political issues but he can't let the person he interviews get a word in - i find him a bombastic gas bag...
bill o'reilly can be entertaining but he's on fox and i can't stand fox news - they're just plain
tim russert to me is very well informed on the issues but the thing this past sunday with colin powell and his aide was a terrible take - russert could have made light of having the aide cut off powell however he emarassed himself as well as powell as happens all too often...