At this risk of sounding crass, I'm going to say that she needs to grow up a lot. I do agree with Dorito2 in that you were very specific in your requests, even offering her a chance for the two of you to go together. I feel like she was testing her bounds with you. She sounds like the domineering type, wanting everything to go her way. She was pushing you to see how far she could bend you before you broke, and she wasn't happy with the results. Not wanting her to go to the prom with another guy doesn't show how little you trust her, it shows how much common sense you have. I remember my high school prom very well. This guy she took, how old is he? I think you should give her some time to cool off as well, then have a good long talk with her. Tell her that if she doesn't sit there and listen to absolutely everything you have to say without overriding you or being argumentative, then you'll leave and that's it. Lay out exactly how you feel, and what you think the two of you need to do about it. Make your needs unquestionably known. Then, ask her for her side of the story. If the two of you can act like adults and make a compromise to revive your relationship, then good for you. If, however, one of you is not willing to work it out, then I say you should end it. After a year and seven months, if she's not grown up enough to have an adult relationship (and I'm not talking about sex), then you need to stop wasting her time. Maybe she'll recognize you as the one that got away and she'll take her next relationship seriously. Either way, I want to salute you for making the bounds clear and not backing down from what you said you'd do. Threats are worthless unless you are willing to back them.