Just curious....do any of you out there have an adversion to your boyfriend owning/looking at pornography? I'm just wondering, because it has become somewhat of a problem between my boyfriend and I....when we first started to go out, I had absolutely no problem with him looking at porn and using it to get off...but then we hit some rough patches, and I think I started to feel taken for granted. we stopped having sex more (we'd just moved into together) and I noticed him visiting 'those' sites more and more, and it just became this 'thing'. now we've come to a middle road, and he has offered to just not look at it anymore at all (knowing i would probably find out if he did anyways...) because he knows how it makes me feel and he would rather just not do it. so everything is ok for now, but i was just wondering if anyone else out there had encountered this problem, and if so, what did you guys do to solve it, or to come to some sort of an understanding?