okay ive been working out steady for like 1.5 months, then work got CRAZY BUSY so i took around 2 months off and work is still busy but in trying to get back into it, and i dont really pay attention to what the weight is at.. honestly proper technique does more for you than more weight, but anyways i think that i start at 75 pounds to warm up and then work my way up to about 170 pounds or so, i weight 160 right now (when i started this 3 months or so ago i weighted just under 150!!!!! i also eat every 3 hours now)
lately ive been doing 'piramids' with my bench press, ex: i start by doing 25 reps with 75 pounds, then i do 20 reps with 85 pounds, then 15 reps with 95 pounds, then 10 reps with 120 pounds, then 10 reps with 130 pounds, then 6 reps with 150 pounds, then 10 reps with 130 pounds, then 10 reps with 120 pounds, then 15 reps with 95 pounds, then 20 reps with 85 pounds, then 25 reps with 75 pounds
sorry thats alot of reading!! but i find that the last 25 reps, or even 20 if i cant make it to 25! are INSANELY hard!!! i have only been doing this for a little while but i find that i get really possitive results with it!