Originally posted by onetime2
If confirmed this would seem to be an interesting development. If it is true, I am rather annoyed by Kay's reaction to it. I wonder what he means by it not "striking his as a big deal". It certainly is a big deal in my mind if insurgents are using shells with chemical agents in them (whether they are aware of the presence of chemicals or not).
The point seems to be that it was an old shell, probably pre 1991, and the way it was wired up it would not have been effective as a nerve gas delivery system. This led Kay to think that it wasn't a big deal because the person with the shell didn't know what was in it.
We know Saddam had nerve agents. He used them, after all. But, the current thinking is that Saddam destroyed or moved out of Iraq all the WMD before Gulf War II. This discovery does nothing to change that line of thinking.
I think the story is pretty fair in its portrayal of the incident.