When I was younger, my grandfather took me out to the desert and taught me how to shoot. He instilled in me a few rules that I carry to me to this day, rule one was never point a loaded weapon at anything other than the ground or whatever it is you're intending to shoot, and the another rule was to never point a loaded weapon at another person. I have not had to break those rules yet in my life, but feel fully prepared to do so if the need arises.
The only time i have pointed a loaded weapon at anyone was paintballing, but that really dosen't count. It dosen't carry any of the consequenses of actually being able to take a person's life with your weapon.
I would reccomend that all parents familiarize their kids with weapons at an appropriate age, and more importantly, instill in those kids a respect for the weapons. I garuntee, any kid who already knows his way around a weapon and has been taught respect for that weapon isn't gonna mess around and "accidentally" hurt someone else out of curiosity.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine