Originally posted by fckm
In regards to cartridge vs. disc. Remember that this is a handheld system with limited battery life. Imagine how much energy it takes to not only spin a disc, but also to fire a laser at it. Plus you've to move that laser around with some sort of motor... more engery comsuption = less play time
yeah, couple that with a larger/brighter/denser screen and you've got a device that is going to suck a lot of power down.
it's not going to make 10 hours... i'll take that bet any day. if sony pulls of any more than 8 hours on a single battery charge with practical usage (lets say... 6 hours of gaming plus a movie) then i'll tip my cap in their direction. but, past experience and what i know about what it takes to run a machine like that tells me that 4-5 will be tops... 3 with less than top-of-the-line batteries.
i'm wondering the same thing (to a much lesser degree) about the DS. i wonder how the two backlit screens are going to affect battery life. the GBA SP does fine imho in this area... so hopefully the DS will follow suit.
everyone seems to be using the cartridge word... though i think the medium operates differently than what we consider to be a traditional cartridge. but, since oftentimes people split videogame mediums into either disc or cart... i'll run w/it for now.