About a year and a half ago, I attended a 2-day vendor training session which took place in a hotel on a college campus. I drove in the night before, found a spot in the garage, checked in, no problems...
The next evening, I wanted to drive down the road in search of food...but the obnoxious little immigrant parking garage employee said that the group I was with only had free parking for the next two days, not that day, and if I wanted to leave the garage, I'd have to pay him. "...Hotel is different business than garage!..."
I left the car in front of his tollbooth and walked back into the hotel desk to inquire/complain. I didn't care if anyone else needed to get out of the place or not.
Nice Desk Lady told me what to say to Annoying Parking Man, but he wouldn't hear of it...so after a couple minutes of sputtering at him, I went back in a second time, and this time she stamped or signed a card and told me to give him that.
I got out, I found some tacos, and I got back...only then did I notice that there was no gate/ticket machine/attendant at the entrances to the garage, only one at the exit. Anyone could park in that garage any time...they only charged people for the privilege of leaving.