What, you think most people go to church because they belive?
Many people go becuase their parents made them, so they make their kids go too.
Many people go for the social structure.
Many people go for the built in purpose in life, it's easier than finding one one their own.
Many people go for the built in rule set, IE: do this and god will love you. That's easier than deciding what right and wrong are by one's self. Don't have to make those pesky decisions when your religion will do it for you.
My point is this: people go to church for a lot of reasons. Not everyone even knows why they really go. Your friend just said it out loud.
Is your friend trying to take advantage of a pre-arranged social situation? Yes.
But so are the old ladies that go for the church social after mass.
Does this make him a whore? I agree with ART; I'm not qualified to say so.
Even if one is going to judge this plan of his as a bad one, some would say that maybe church will rub off on him.
Who's to say? Maybe God's plan is to call him to church because one of his flock needs legal services and He's guiding your friend to him. Who's to say that's not it?
Who's to say that your friend might not get into some pro-bono stuff with the church just to "look good," and actually end up doing some REAL good. Even accedentally, he might learn something that'll change his life.
Thing is, you never know.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."