I have found that to truly be happy, content and fulfilled, it is often helpful to look closely at your expectations. This life we have is full of suprises, some we percieve as good, and some as negative. Life direction cannot be set in stone, if you expect to be happy, as you are setting yourself up for dissapointment.
As time and experience pass, Karma (if you wish to call it that) or the accumulation of trial and error will generally guide each of us towards the place we need to be. There really is no "wrong" direction if you live a life of relative virtue.
I have found it helps to think in a way that encompasses the whole picture, Past, present, future.
The most important lesson I have learned in this life is as follows:
Expectations are mine, and mine alone.
The failure of others to meet these expectations, is actually the result of MY choice to levy these requirements upon them.
Life cannot meet my expectations, unless I understand the limitations inherent in reality, and set expectations within the likely bounds.
We are here to learn from experience, and happiness teaches very little. Thus my sig line.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha