To put things into a better perspective, I got fired from a job where I’ve only clocked in less than 40 hours of total work (not more than 5 days worked). I was working as a low level chef for a restaurant. I have the potential and skill to be a better chef and the senior manager who hired me recognize that in me, but I lacked the desire to achieve beyond simple work because I just wanted an excuse to get out and meet people. I purposefully underachieved when given more difficult work. Why? Because I was further away from the servers and waitresses, so I underachieved, and they moved me to an easier job closer to wait-staff.
To quote the manager that fired me “We’ve hired on some people that want to put in more hours, so we’re not going to schedule you anymore, and give them your hours.” I smirked and said “ok, nice working with you.” My interpretation of that statement is: we hired some kid 10 years younger than you (I’m 26) who is willing work for half of your wages (I was making $10.00 an hour, half is around minimum wage). No sweat off my back, I already have a very respectable job in the legal department of a large corporation. But I did enjoy having the extra money. It made me feel great about myself. Like I said before, I think my greater challenge is not getting over the loss of my job, but transferring that confidence I used in trying to get the job, to my everyday life.