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Old 05-16-2004, 12:36 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Tokyo
Your birthday star is in the constellation Bullocks Bladder. It has the name Y (not) in Johann Bayer's Uranometria star catalogue. It is called FU 2040-6969 in the NStars database.

It has visual magnitude of 8.75 meaning that you won't see me for dust, especially if i've just got your wallet! It is marked in the center of this star chart, at celestial coordinates (F2390 equinox):

Right ascension: 20:67:86:56:00.0
declination: -20:67:86:56:00.0

This star is 239 light years away, which means that the light we see from it today set off on its journey at about the same time that hell froze over. Come back in a month or two and your birthday star may flip you the bird, as the light from more distant stars reaches Earth.

Last edited by bundy; 05-16-2004 at 01:37 AM..
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